Sunday, December 21, 2008

Movies over winter break

What movies have you see over winter break? Click on comments and give a review of the movie you saw. Rate the movie on a scale of 1-5 STARS, with 1=terrible and 5=brilliant!

Make recommendations so we can all make decisions about which movies to see.


Dr. Todd A. Beach said...

I saw the "The Curious Life of Benjamin Button"...I rate it 4.5 stars! Very interesting story where the main character goes through reverse aging. He is born as a very old man and then gets younger as the film continues. Really interesting perspective and incredibly thoughtful movie.

Luke Lassonde said...

I also saw Button and really ejoyed watching it. I would give it a 4 because it started to get a little long for me while I was watching, and I also saw , even though it didn't come out recently, "Running With Scissors". I thought that it was a bit disturbing but also a very comical way to approach dimentia and dysfunctional families. I give it another 4 stars.

Colin Burke said...

I saw "Doubt" with the family, which is originally a play about a possible Catholic priest molestation incident, and thought it was good but should remain a play. The story is great but the movie goes slowly, with long camera shots. I'd give it 3 stars.

The movie I absolutely loved this break was "Slumdog Millionaire." I'd give it 5 stars. It's about a boy from the slums of Mumbai, India, who is on the game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire." The movie essentially tells his life story, everything up to him being on the show. Great acting, great storyline, very suspenseful. Again, 5 stars.